
No matter what direction you are coming from
we are just a beautiful drive away!
From Interstate 89:
Take exit 13 onto 189. Turn left onto Rte. 7 South, through the town of Shelburne, (approximately 6.5 miles). The Vermont Teddy Bear Factory is located 1 mile South of the Village of Shelburne - just keep your eyes open for The Vermont Teddy Bear Company sign on your left.
From Interstate 87:
Take Exit 20, and drive East on Route 149. At Fort Ann, New York, take Route 4 East to Fair Haven, Vermont. Proceed North on Route 22A to Vergennes, Vermont. Turn left onto Route 7, travel North for approximately 16 miles. The Factory will be on your right.
From Burlington:
Head East on Main St. (up the hill) and make a right on US Route 7 / So. Willard St. / Ethan-Allen Highway. Continue to follow US Route 7 South for approximately 8 miles. Keep your eyes open for The Vermont Teddy Bear Company sign on your left!
From Middlebury:
Start out going North on North Pleasant St. / Route 7 / VT-125 / Main St. (toward VT-30). Continue on Route 7 for approximately 26 miles. Keep your eyes open for The Vermont Teddy Bear Company sign on your right!
From the Charlotte Ferry:
(The ferry is open seasonally.) Exit ferry, follow Ferry Road to traffic light, turn left onto Route 7, and travel North. The factory will be on your right.
The Vermont Teddy Bear Factory & Bear Shop
6655 Shelburne Road
Shelburne, VT 05482
(802) 985-1319