The Spark Kindness Bear

Jennifer Riordan lived life with a pure heart, always encouraging others to be kind, loving, caring and sharing. Jennifer’s vibrancy and love of philanthropy and community inspired people both locally and across the country.
The vision of the Jennifer Riordan Foundation is a world where everyone has the courage and humanity to be kind, loving, caring and sharing. This can happen with your support of the Foundation and its mission to recognize, support and spread acts of kindness.
The causes we contribute to are those Jennifer cared deeply for: Financial Literacy, Childhood Education, Women’s Empowerment and Community Vitality. We support these causes through monetary donations and volunteer activities. In addition, the Jennifer Riordan Foundation strives to inspire people to live the ABC’s of kindness: Act kind, Be kind, C kind. To spread this vision, download the free Spark Kindness App, from App Store or Google Play, and start sharing your acts of kindness right away, and help create a brighter, kinder community.

Vermont Teddy Bear
18 In. Sparkie the Spark Kindness Bear

Vermont Teddy Bear