Vermont Teddy Bear
15 In. Love Your Heart Bear
Bears for our Heart Heroes

The Bear Crew is SO EXCITED to collaborate with the American Heart Association to spread the word of good heart health, and provide comfort and love for the bravest Cubs we know: The Heart Hero kids affected by cardiovascular disease and stroke.
Heart Hero Kids have stared down some of the scariest situations one can imagine. To honor their courage, we created the Love Your Heart Bear, a classic 15" Bear with an embroidered 'scar' in the center of the chest.
"As a parent who has watched my child go through something so traumatic, this kind gesture of giving the children a friend for support and love is so special and meaningful. I can’t wait to see the smiles on these children’s faces, and to be able to provide some comfort in a scary and overwhelming time in their lives. I am so thankful to both Vermont Teddy Bear and the American Heart Association for getting this program started."
- Kathryn Towle, AHA volunteer and Heart Hero mother