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Vermont Teddy Bear


20 In. Special Edition Caramel Truffle Bear

20 In. Special Edition Caramel Truffle Bear

Regular price $99.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $99.99 USD
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Every once in a while a bear comes along that you just have to get your paws on. This is one such bear. A truly unique collector's item, our new jointed bear loves to show off its special edition caramel tipped chocolate brown fur as well as give out the biggest bear hugs around. It's an impressive 20" in size, making it larger than our other Classic Bears, and its soft premium fur, light brown nose, different colored eyes (one is brown and one is blue), and fully jointed body make it an unbelievable charmer. A playtime friend or collectible keepsake guaranteed to last a lifetime, this bear is one you don't want to let pass by. Its exquisite fur is a 2020 exclusive and bear quantities are limited, so be sure to get yours before they're all gone. Handmade in Vermont, USA using the softest fur and 100% recycled stuffing. Guaranteed for life.

Lifetime Guarantee

All Vermont Teddy Bears are guaranteed for life! If anything ever happens to one of our Bears or Stuffed Animals, they can be sent to our Bear Hospital in Shelburne, VT, where we'll nurse them back to perfect health.

class="detail-subheading text-uppercase mb-3">Handmade in
Vermont</h5> Our Handmade in Vermont Bears and Animals set the
gold-standard for all Vermont Teddy Bear products. Each Bear is meticulously
crafted by hand including fur cutting, sewing, eye and joint placement, paw
pad personalization, measured stuffing and precise back-stitching. All Bear
production occurs in our Teddy Bear Factory located in Shelburne, Vermont
using both imported materials from China and 100% recycled stuffing that is
sourced in the U.S.A. This Bear is Guaranteed for Life and exceeds U.S. child
safety standards.

  • Bear's full height is 20".
  • Handmade in Vermont.
  • Safe for all ages.
  • Item Number: VTB-23868